Lead 12:12 Christian Leadership Podcasts

1:1 Meetings

According to Gallup, employees who have regular 1:1 meetings with their managers are THREE TIMES more likely to be engaged at work! That's correct! THREE TIMES more likely to be engaged! Effective one-on-one meetings offer a variety of benefits to employees, managers and the overall organization.

May 10, 2022 | 0 comments

1:1 Meetings

According to Gallup, employees who have regular 1:1 meetings with their managers are THREE TIMES more likely to be engaged at work! That's correct! THREE TIMES more likely to be engaged! Effective one-on-one meetings offer a variety of benefits to employees, managers and the overall organization.

1 00:00:33,496 --> 00:00:34,756 Chris: Dave is not with us today. 2 00:00:35,086 --> 00:00:36,586 In fact, Dave is under the weather. 3 00:00:36,586 --> 00:00:38,386 We would Really appreciate some prayers. 4 00:00:38,386 --> 00:00:41,386 for Dave's health, but I've got Wayne with me. 5 00:00:41,386 --> 00:00:44,116 And today we're going to go over one-on-one meetings. 6 00:00:44,116 --> 00:00:44,416 Wayne. 7 00:00:44,416 --> 00:00:45,016 Wayne: How's your week, 8 00:00:45,016 --> 00:00:45,376 Chris: man. 9 00:00:46,036 --> 00:00:46,546 Wayne: It's Monday. 10 00:00:46,786 --> 00:00:47,446 It's going great. 11 00:00:48,106 --> 00:00:49,066 Chris: That's a good start. 12 00:00:49,546 --> 00:00:51,526 Everything Starts with a good start. 13 00:00:51,526 --> 00:00:52,396 So wonderful. 14 00:00:54,076 --> 00:00:55,756 Wayne: Why do you use one-on-one meetings? 15 00:00:56,596 --> 00:00:57,016 Chris: Yes. 16 00:00:57,946 --> 00:00:58,396 Wayne: A lot. 17 00:00:59,386 --> 00:00:59,956 Chris: How often 18 00:00:59,956 --> 00:01:01,246 Wayne: do you have your one-on-one? 19 00:01:01,246 --> 00:01:01,756 Chris: meetings? 20 00:01:02,836 --> 00:01:03,736 Wayne: At least weekly. 21 00:01:04,606 --> 00:01:04,966 Okay. 22 00:01:05,386 --> 00:01:06,646 They're not always scheduled. 23 00:01:06,916 --> 00:01:07,366 but. 24 00:01:08,116 --> 00:01:10,336 Anything of value to discuss in depth? 25 00:01:10,426 --> 00:01:11,266 Chris: Usually one-on-one. 26 00:01:11,333 --> 00:01:12,623 You got the crowds. 27 00:01:13,223 --> 00:01:14,213 Approval with you. 28 00:01:14,633 --> 00:01:16,613 Would you believe that according to Gallup. 29 00:01:16,883 --> 00:01:18,593 employees who have a regular. 30 00:01:18,593 --> 00:01:20,003 one-on-one meeting with their 31 00:01:20,033 --> 00:01:20,693 Wayne: managers. 32 00:01:20,963 --> 00:01:22,043 Chris: are Three times. 33 00:01:22,043 --> 00:01:24,023 more likely to be engaged at work? 34 00:01:25,013 --> 00:01:25,073 Wayne: I 35 00:01:25,073 --> 00:01:25,553 Chris: I believe that. 36 00:01:25,613 --> 00:01:26,578 If I could tell you. 37 00:01:26,608 --> 00:01:28,048 you could have your team. 38 00:01:29,158 --> 00:01:30,088 Three times more 39 00:01:30,178 --> 00:01:30,448 Wayne: games. 40 00:01:30,598 --> 00:01:31,228 They are just 41 00:01:31,228 --> 00:01:32,848 Chris: by having a one-on-one. 42 00:01:32,848 --> 00:01:33,148 meeting. 43 00:01:33,148 --> 00:01:35,698 Doesn't that tell you one-on-ones are so valuable. 44 00:01:35,908 --> 00:01:36,148 Yeah. 45 00:01:37,018 --> 00:01:38,038 It gives a lot of value. 46 00:01:38,038 --> 00:01:38,668 to both. 47 00:01:38,998 --> 00:01:41,518 The employee and the employer, the manager. 48 00:01:41,518 --> 00:01:42,208 and even helps 49 00:01:42,238 --> 00:01:44,038 Wayne: the overall organization. 50 00:01:45,328 --> 00:01:45,568 What are 51 00:01:45,718 --> 00:01:46,438 Chris: of the benefits of. 52 00:01:46,438 --> 00:01:47,068 a one-on-one. 53 00:01:47,203 --> 00:01:47,503 Wayne: It. 54 00:01:48,013 --> 00:01:49,783 Gives the employee value. 55 00:01:50,233 --> 00:01:50,803 Absolutely. 56 00:01:51,703 --> 00:01:53,983 It gives them some skin in the game, so 57 00:01:53,983 --> 00:01:54,433 Chris: to speak. 58 00:01:54,523 --> 00:01:54,973 Yes. 59 00:01:55,333 --> 00:01:55,783 Wayne: not a. 60 00:01:55,789 --> 00:01:56,252 Cloak. 61 00:01:56,672 --> 00:01:58,202 I had which everything operates. 62 00:01:58,202 --> 00:01:59,282 in they're just expected. 63 00:01:59,372 --> 00:01:59,762 Chris: so they get. 64 00:01:59,792 --> 00:02:00,092 Wayne: a little 65 00:02:00,092 --> 00:02:00,422 bit of. 66 00:02:01,352 --> 00:02:02,432 The other side of it. 67 00:02:02,972 --> 00:02:03,272 Chris: So 68 00:02:03,572 --> 00:02:03,872 Wayne: So 69 00:02:04,382 --> 00:02:05,552 then they're invested. 70 00:02:05,732 --> 00:02:06,842 and they want 71 00:02:06,872 --> 00:02:07,262 Chris: to. 72 00:02:08,702 --> 00:02:11,402 Help the company, but they also want to help you because you 73 00:02:11,462 --> 00:02:12,272 Wayne: taken the time 74 00:02:12,812 --> 00:02:13,352 Chris: to help them. 75 00:02:13,442 --> 00:02:13,922 Yes. 76 00:02:14,042 --> 00:02:16,022 Wayne: So it's just very symbiotic in that way. 77 00:02:16,142 --> 00:02:16,772 Chris: Very good. 78 00:02:17,192 --> 00:02:19,712 Would you say it also improves the relationship between the 79 00:02:19,712 --> 00:02:20,912 manager and the employee? 80 00:02:21,212 --> 00:02:21,722 Oh, for sure. 81 00:02:22,142 --> 00:02:22,682 They get that. 82 00:02:22,982 --> 00:02:24,272 time set aside. 83 00:02:24,962 --> 00:02:26,282 Every week or every how 84 00:02:26,312 --> 00:02:26,762 Wayne: often. 85 00:02:27,332 --> 00:02:29,912 Chris: They get to discuss things even outside of work. 86 00:02:30,182 --> 00:02:32,879 Just If you were met a friend every weekend for coffee. 87 00:02:32,879 --> 00:02:33,929 you'd start to develop 88 00:02:33,959 --> 00:02:34,949 Wayne: a better relationship. 89 00:02:34,949 --> 00:02:36,929 Chris: just discussing and spending time together. 90 00:02:37,139 --> 00:02:37,349 Sure. 91 00:02:37,739 --> 00:02:37,949 Yep. 92 00:02:39,539 --> 00:02:40,799 It's also a really good 93 00:02:40,799 --> 00:02:41,249 Wayne: way for. 94 00:02:41,279 --> 00:02:42,329 Chris: the management to get 95 00:02:42,389 --> 00:02:43,859 Wayne: Feedback on how they're doing. 96 00:02:43,979 --> 00:02:44,699 what's going on. 97 00:02:45,599 --> 00:02:46,589 which is so important. 98 00:02:46,769 --> 00:02:47,219 Absolutely. 99 00:02:47,639 --> 00:02:48,329 So important. 100 00:02:48,719 --> 00:02:49,829 here's an interesting question. 101 00:02:49,829 --> 00:02:50,099 Chris: for you. 102 00:02:50,099 --> 00:02:51,749 What makes a good one-on-one? 103 00:02:54,869 --> 00:02:55,289 I think 104 00:02:55,499 --> 00:02:58,049 Wayne: what makes some of the things for me that make it good. 105 00:02:58,349 --> 00:02:58,739 Are. 106 00:02:59,519 --> 00:03:01,029 A mutual understanding. 107 00:03:01,076 --> 00:03:02,726 What said in here will stay in here? 108 00:03:02,876 --> 00:03:03,146 Yes. 109 00:03:03,776 --> 00:03:04,886 Chris: The cone of silence. 110 00:03:05,576 --> 00:03:07,136 Wayne: open dialogue. 111 00:03:07,736 --> 00:03:08,906 Why was disrespectful 112 00:03:09,266 --> 00:03:11,216 Chris: when I do evaluations with my guys. 113 00:03:11,876 --> 00:03:13,016 As a grievance 114 00:03:14,456 --> 00:03:14,936 Wayne: Process 115 00:03:14,936 --> 00:03:15,926 Chris: that you 116 00:03:15,926 --> 00:03:18,416 Wayne: can say whatever you want to, whether you like it. 117 00:03:18,506 --> 00:03:19,046 dislike it. 118 00:03:19,106 --> 00:03:19,706 Disagree. 119 00:03:20,546 --> 00:03:20,876 Chris: Just be 120 00:03:20,876 --> 00:03:22,248 Wayne: respectful and we'll talk through it. 121 00:03:22,488 --> 00:03:22,968 Very good. 122 00:03:23,808 --> 00:03:24,408 Yeah, that's a great 123 00:03:24,438 --> 00:03:25,158 Chris: one-on-one. 124 00:03:25,998 --> 00:03:27,258 Wayne: What type of question you ask 125 00:03:27,258 --> 00:03:28,668 Chris: your people in your one-on-ones? 126 00:03:31,158 --> 00:03:33,348 Wayne: What kind of improvements can they see 127 00:03:33,348 --> 00:03:34,098 Chris: in the department? 128 00:03:34,488 --> 00:03:35,044 Very good. 129 00:03:35,066 --> 00:03:37,496 If they have any ideas on how to improve the department. 130 00:03:38,156 --> 00:03:39,686 I try to encourage them to. 131 00:03:40,916 --> 00:03:42,536 As they have certain skills. 132 00:03:43,226 --> 00:03:43,496 Wayne: To. 133 00:03:44,216 --> 00:03:44,366 Chris: Yeah. 134 00:03:44,696 --> 00:03:45,326 those skills. 135 00:03:45,626 --> 00:03:46,526 Fantastic. 136 00:03:47,186 --> 00:03:47,876 Macomb. 137 00:03:48,266 --> 00:03:49,106 Go to our department. 138 00:03:49,256 --> 00:03:50,276 I want to be on your team. 139 00:03:50,276 --> 00:03:51,476 You do a great one on one. 140 00:03:53,756 --> 00:03:55,136 Some of the questions I have. 141 00:03:55,406 --> 00:03:56,726 I came up with three categories. 142 00:03:56,726 --> 00:03:57,746 I have positioned. 143 00:03:57,746 --> 00:03:58,856 questions like. 144 00:03:59,426 --> 00:04:00,056 How do you view 145 00:04:00,116 --> 00:04:01,316 Wayne: yourself in this role? 146 00:04:02,083 --> 00:04:02,293 One 147 00:04:02,473 --> 00:04:03,433 Chris: I asked to people. 148 00:04:03,433 --> 00:04:07,453 today is Draw me a pie chart of how you would spend your time. 149 00:04:07,633 --> 00:04:08,773 If everything on your job. 150 00:04:08,773 --> 00:04:09,373 was Perfect. 151 00:04:09,373 --> 00:04:10,753 You've got 40 hours this week. 152 00:04:10,753 --> 00:04:12,223 How would you spend those 40 hours? 153 00:04:12,223 --> 00:04:13,693 If everything was perfect. 154 00:04:14,383 --> 00:04:15,523 And my followup in that meeting 155 00:04:15,553 --> 00:04:16,213 Wayne: It's going to be okay. 156 00:04:16,243 --> 00:04:18,343 How do we start moving towards that? 157 00:04:18,343 --> 00:04:19,033 Chris: pie chart? 158 00:04:20,143 --> 00:04:22,063 Wayne: And that gives them focus. 159 00:04:22,213 --> 00:04:22,813 Absolutely. 160 00:04:23,143 --> 00:04:24,073 You can ask them about their 161 00:04:24,103 --> 00:04:24,776 Chris: career. 162 00:04:24,799 --> 00:04:25,789 If you're having the best. 163 00:04:25,789 --> 00:04:27,169 day at work you've ever had. 164 00:04:27,169 --> 00:04:28,069 What would your schedule? 165 00:04:28,069 --> 00:04:31,669 look like and What satisfaction do you get from your job? 166 00:04:31,699 --> 00:04:34,159 and where have you been most successful in the past? 167 00:04:35,869 --> 00:04:36,079 Yeah. 168 00:04:36,169 --> 00:04:36,799 Those will give you a 169 00:04:37,159 --> 00:04:37,549 Wayne: of. 170 00:04:38,239 --> 00:04:39,349 Inside information. 171 00:04:39,919 --> 00:04:41,569 Because with my guys, it's not really. 172 00:04:41,899 --> 00:04:42,739 What they say. 173 00:04:43,369 --> 00:04:43,639 It's. 174 00:04:44,299 --> 00:04:45,169 How they got there. 175 00:04:45,709 --> 00:04:46,789 You're absolutely right. 176 00:04:46,849 --> 00:04:47,659 Chris: That's beautiful. 177 00:04:48,499 --> 00:04:50,629 Wayne: The last group I've got as long-term goals. 178 00:04:51,019 --> 00:04:51,589 I asked him, what 179 00:04:51,589 --> 00:04:52,939 Chris: are your long-term goals? 180 00:04:53,329 --> 00:04:54,379 Where do you want to be five 181 00:04:54,409 --> 00:04:55,039 Wayne: years from now? 182 00:04:55,099 --> 00:04:56,539 What skills do you need to hit this? 183 00:04:57,169 --> 00:04:58,009 Chris: And how can I help you? 184 00:04:58,009 --> 00:04:58,609 get there? 185 00:05:00,229 --> 00:05:01,982 Wayne: So we have those conversations. 186 00:05:02,822 --> 00:05:04,172 Very organically. 187 00:05:05,282 --> 00:05:06,002 As a group. 188 00:05:06,392 --> 00:05:08,252 So the nature of my department there's. 189 00:05:08,792 --> 00:05:10,982 One or two people in there every day. 190 00:05:12,032 --> 00:05:12,542 And. 191 00:05:13,112 --> 00:05:13,292 The 192 00:05:13,322 --> 00:05:13,982 Chris: conversation. 193 00:05:14,492 --> 00:05:15,302 very freely. 194 00:05:15,512 --> 00:05:16,412 That's great. 195 00:05:17,132 --> 00:05:17,612 That sounds like. 196 00:05:17,612 --> 00:05:18,572 an open environment. 197 00:05:18,662 --> 00:05:19,472 Wayne: they'll tell. 198 00:05:19,610 --> 00:05:20,030 They'll 199 00:05:20,480 --> 00:05:21,917 Chris: tell us or tell me. 200 00:05:21,917 --> 00:05:23,867 of Where they're at, what they're thinking and. 201 00:05:25,277 --> 00:05:25,367 They 202 00:05:25,367 --> 00:05:27,797 don't say this is where I see myself in five years. 203 00:05:28,037 --> 00:05:33,107 but I can tell by the way, They look at certain things and process certain things. 204 00:05:33,287 --> 00:05:35,897 this is kind of on the forefront of their Sure. 205 00:05:37,217 --> 00:05:37,697 That tells 206 00:05:37,697 --> 00:05:38,027 Wayne: me. 207 00:05:38,357 --> 00:05:38,897 they have. 208 00:05:40,427 --> 00:05:41,207 Trusting you. 209 00:05:41,447 --> 00:05:42,527 And they have competency. 210 00:05:42,947 --> 00:05:43,667 and that's wonderful. 211 00:05:44,357 --> 00:05:45,257 Hopefully they address me. 212 00:05:45,677 --> 00:05:48,677 I had a person once told me that they wanted to be on a different team. 213 00:05:48,767 --> 00:05:50,477 And this case, there were project management team. 214 00:05:51,227 --> 00:05:51,737 Chris: So I said, That's 215 00:05:51,767 --> 00:05:52,397 Wayne: fantastic. 216 00:05:52,607 --> 00:05:53,237 see what we can do. 217 00:05:53,837 --> 00:05:55,277 And we got this person, some training. 218 00:05:55,307 --> 00:05:56,327 And project management. 219 00:05:56,507 --> 00:05:59,507 then we got them to do some small project management. 220 00:06:00,647 --> 00:06:00,977 Chris: Being 221 00:06:01,007 --> 00:06:02,717 Wayne: observed by the project management team. 222 00:06:02,777 --> 00:06:04,637 Chris: and slowly transition them into that role. 223 00:06:04,637 --> 00:06:05,607 So it worked great. 224 00:06:05,636 --> 00:06:06,266 Wayne: Yeah, I tried to do 225 00:06:06,266 --> 00:06:07,109 Chris: that with Yeah. 226 00:06:07,349 --> 00:06:08,099 Wayne: my group 227 00:06:08,219 --> 00:06:08,819 Chris: is. 228 00:06:09,269 --> 00:06:09,749 that Barry's. 229 00:06:09,959 --> 00:06:10,709 Wayne: in seniority. 230 00:06:11,579 --> 00:06:12,449 Chris: six years to. 231 00:06:13,319 --> 00:06:13,979 A few months. 232 00:06:14,159 --> 00:06:17,969 So the process of getting them to the next level is different for each of them. 233 00:06:18,959 --> 00:06:20,699 But I told them multiple times. 234 00:06:20,879 --> 00:06:21,749 The goal is. 235 00:06:22,589 --> 00:06:24,749 For this department to run without me. 236 00:06:25,709 --> 00:06:26,129 But at 237 00:06:26,129 --> 00:06:26,639 Wayne: some point, 238 00:06:26,669 --> 00:06:27,779 Chris: people are going to retire. 239 00:06:27,809 --> 00:06:28,379 Wayne: move on. 240 00:06:28,949 --> 00:06:29,879 Chris: I want to move on. 241 00:06:30,539 --> 00:06:30,659 But 242 00:06:30,659 --> 00:06:31,469 I don't want to leave it. 243 00:06:32,249 --> 00:06:33,449 That will lead the department chain. 244 00:06:33,809 --> 00:06:34,769 I don't want to leave you guys. 245 00:06:35,459 --> 00:06:35,879 I see. 246 00:06:36,479 --> 00:06:36,929 So just 247 00:06:36,929 --> 00:06:38,039 Wayne: step into those roles. 248 00:06:38,062 --> 00:06:38,962 Chris: That's fantastic. 249 00:06:40,252 --> 00:06:41,362 So I've got some tips. 250 00:06:41,362 --> 00:06:42,622 These are one-on-one tips for 251 00:06:42,622 --> 00:06:43,102 Wayne: managers. 252 00:06:43,912 --> 00:06:45,772 Chris: And I pulled these together and I want you to tell 253 00:06:45,772 --> 00:06:47,002 me if you agree with these. 254 00:06:47,422 --> 00:06:48,022 What I consider 255 00:06:48,052 --> 00:06:48,922 Wayne: these are the magic 256 00:06:48,950 --> 00:06:50,432 Chris: bullet points that you have. 257 00:06:51,032 --> 00:06:53,522 With your direct reports and one-on-one meetings. 258 00:06:53,522 --> 00:06:54,002 And the first 259 00:06:54,032 --> 00:06:54,782 Wayne: thing is to bring 260 00:06:54,782 --> 00:06:57,392 Chris: a sense of curiosity and openness with you. 261 00:06:58,322 --> 00:06:58,772 Wayne: I agree. 262 00:06:59,642 --> 00:07:02,702 Chris: The second one is to have a problem solving attitude. 263 00:07:02,882 --> 00:07:03,602 But to 264 00:07:03,632 --> 00:07:03,782 Wayne: Good. 265 00:07:03,992 --> 00:07:04,952 Keep it for library. 266 00:07:05,552 --> 00:07:07,922 You're not there to fix all their problems, but you're 267 00:07:07,952 --> 00:07:09,062 there to work with them. 268 00:07:09,092 --> 00:07:10,082 Chris: through the problems. 269 00:07:10,472 --> 00:07:10,802 Wayne: I agree. 270 00:07:12,212 --> 00:07:12,362 Chris: The 271 00:07:12,392 --> 00:07:13,952 Wayne: next one is to ask questions. 272 00:07:14,132 --> 00:07:15,632 instead of telling people what to do. 273 00:07:16,952 --> 00:07:18,002 That's a big one for me. 274 00:07:18,632 --> 00:07:18,902 Chris: That's a, 275 00:07:19,112 --> 00:07:19,982 Wayne: And here's one for me. 276 00:07:20,042 --> 00:07:21,662 Chris: Listen, More than you. 277 00:07:21,662 --> 00:07:22,262 talk. 278 00:07:23,642 --> 00:07:24,572 I get to talk to them. 279 00:07:24,572 --> 00:07:27,182 Through the team meetings and through the huddles and everything else. 280 00:07:27,182 --> 00:07:29,132 And the one-on-one is third time to talk. 281 00:07:29,852 --> 00:07:30,212 That's right. 282 00:07:30,752 --> 00:07:34,232 And here's a good one that I don't think you have a problem with but some may 283 00:07:34,232 --> 00:07:36,992 leave Any blaming attitude out the door. 284 00:07:37,232 --> 00:07:38,372 that one-on-one meeting. 285 00:07:38,372 --> 00:07:39,812 is not the place for that. 286 00:07:40,502 --> 00:07:40,952 No. 287 00:07:40,952 --> 00:07:41,282 And. 288 00:07:42,452 --> 00:07:42,572 You 289 00:07:42,572 --> 00:07:44,312 have not all one-on-one meetings. 290 00:07:45,002 --> 00:07:45,542 Our set. 291 00:07:45,932 --> 00:07:46,412 positive 292 00:07:46,442 --> 00:07:47,012 Wayne: backdrop. 293 00:07:47,582 --> 00:07:48,122 Chris: That's true. 294 00:07:49,082 --> 00:07:50,072 So genuinely. 295 00:07:50,162 --> 00:07:51,062 I take the position. 296 00:07:51,092 --> 00:07:51,512 Wayne: of 297 00:07:52,202 --> 00:07:53,222 Chris: this is what happened. 298 00:07:54,212 --> 00:07:54,392 Wayne: This 299 00:07:54,422 --> 00:07:55,442 Chris: is the last I know of it. 300 00:07:55,952 --> 00:07:56,822 I don't understand 301 00:07:56,972 --> 00:07:57,722 Wayne: this happened. 302 00:07:57,812 --> 00:07:59,072 Chris: Can you please explain it to me? 303 00:07:59,432 --> 00:08:00,012 That's good. 304 00:08:00,012 --> 00:08:00,914 And I've found. 305 00:08:01,874 --> 00:08:03,464 Something that you have discovered as well. 306 00:08:03,464 --> 00:08:05,534 the way you phrase that is so important. 307 00:08:05,804 --> 00:08:09,644 If I ask an employee or let's say, I ask anyone, Why did you do. 308 00:08:09,644 --> 00:08:10,064 this? 309 00:08:10,094 --> 00:08:11,354 They're going to dig in. 310 00:08:11,684 --> 00:08:13,874 And they're going to be combative and they're going to fight. 311 00:08:13,874 --> 00:08:14,564 me on that. 312 00:08:14,804 --> 00:08:17,444 But if I phrase the same question, a little different. 313 00:08:17,464 --> 00:08:20,764 And How did we determine this was the best way to handle? 314 00:08:20,764 --> 00:08:20,944 it. 315 00:08:21,274 --> 00:08:23,404 Then they'll walk me through their mental process 316 00:08:23,404 --> 00:08:24,304 Wayne: of how they got there. 317 00:08:24,334 --> 00:08:25,174 And that's what I want. 318 00:08:25,804 --> 00:08:25,984 Chris: Yeah. 319 00:08:26,079 --> 00:08:27,129 So here is. 320 00:08:27,219 --> 00:08:28,119 something interesting. 321 00:08:28,119 --> 00:08:30,699 This is for practices. 322 00:08:30,849 --> 00:08:33,249 If you want to have bad, one-on-one. 323 00:08:33,249 --> 00:08:33,879 meetings. 324 00:08:33,946 --> 00:08:34,734 We get to use this. 325 00:08:35,124 --> 00:08:36,744 that once Dave's not here. 326 00:08:38,244 --> 00:08:38,904 We miss your day. 327 00:08:39,864 --> 00:08:40,014 We 328 00:08:40,044 --> 00:08:40,824 Wayne: don't have the funny. 329 00:08:45,054 --> 00:08:45,894 So the first 330 00:08:46,224 --> 00:08:47,634 Chris: practice for one-on-one 331 00:08:47,664 --> 00:08:47,934 Wayne: meetings. 332 00:08:48,744 --> 00:08:50,784 Is using one-on-one as 333 00:08:50,784 --> 00:08:52,284 Chris: a status update meeting. 334 00:08:52,314 --> 00:08:54,204 Where you clicked through all their statuses. 335 00:08:54,264 --> 00:08:54,714 you agree 336 00:08:54,714 --> 00:08:55,344 Wayne: or disagree. 337 00:08:55,884 --> 00:08:56,334 I agree. 338 00:08:57,684 --> 00:09:00,474 Chris: The second bad practice for one-on-one meetings. 339 00:09:00,474 --> 00:09:01,554 is Skipping meetings. 340 00:09:01,554 --> 00:09:02,754 and just blowing them off. 341 00:09:03,234 --> 00:09:03,504 Yeah, that's 342 00:09:03,534 --> 00:09:03,834 Wayne: awful. 343 00:09:03,924 --> 00:09:04,284 Cause 344 00:09:04,644 --> 00:09:05,364 Chris: Bad precedent. 345 00:09:05,604 --> 00:09:06,744 It really is. 346 00:09:06,864 --> 00:09:08,304 If you don't take it seriously. 347 00:09:08,304 --> 00:09:10,884 as a manager, no, one's going to take it seriously. 348 00:09:12,054 --> 00:09:12,624 the third is 349 00:09:12,654 --> 00:09:13,284 Wayne: very similar. 350 00:09:13,284 --> 00:09:14,844 Chris: to That is where you have infrequent. 351 00:09:14,874 --> 00:09:17,484 one-on-ones You may meet once a week, once. 352 00:09:17,514 --> 00:09:18,054 a two weeks. 353 00:09:18,054 --> 00:09:20,064 then it may become once every six weeks. 354 00:09:20,064 --> 00:09:21,804 or just whenever you get around to it. 355 00:09:22,884 --> 00:09:23,274 I agree. 356 00:09:23,394 --> 00:09:24,744 One of the things I've tried really hard. 357 00:09:24,744 --> 00:09:25,734 Wayne: at my one-on-ones. 358 00:09:26,424 --> 00:09:26,964 Is I'm trying to 359 00:09:26,994 --> 00:09:27,864 Chris: get my guys to the. 360 00:09:28,374 --> 00:09:29,064 When I say, come. 361 00:09:29,214 --> 00:09:30,624 The office, they don't automatically. 362 00:09:30,624 --> 00:09:31,764 Wayne: have the sense of dread. 363 00:09:32,604 --> 00:09:33,414 Chris: That's great. 364 00:09:33,594 --> 00:09:34,224 Wayne: it could be, 365 00:09:34,963 --> 00:09:35,623 Chris: it's not usually. 366 00:09:35,623 --> 00:09:36,343 Wayne: anything bad. 367 00:09:38,053 --> 00:09:38,863 Chris: Oh man. 368 00:09:39,103 --> 00:09:39,403 Mr. 369 00:09:39,403 --> 00:09:39,853 Hunter called 370 00:09:39,883 --> 00:09:40,663 Wayne: me to his office. 371 00:09:41,383 --> 00:09:42,193 Chris: Nice knowing you. 372 00:09:45,493 --> 00:09:47,533 And the last one is lacking clarity. 373 00:09:47,923 --> 00:09:48,523 Because great. 374 00:09:48,523 --> 00:09:50,383 One-on-ones Don't just happen. 375 00:09:50,383 --> 00:09:52,963 There's some prep work that has to go on before that. 376 00:09:53,323 --> 00:09:53,593 And it 377 00:09:53,623 --> 00:09:53,863 Wayne: means. 378 00:09:54,283 --> 00:09:55,063 On your part. 379 00:09:55,183 --> 00:09:56,323 And on the new boys. 380 00:09:56,623 --> 00:09:58,063 Chris: part, they need to understand how 381 00:09:58,153 --> 00:09:59,143 Wayne: one-on-one works 382 00:09:59,143 --> 00:10:00,253 Chris: and why they're essential. 383 00:10:01,693 --> 00:10:02,953 So here's some Bible verses. 384 00:10:02,953 --> 00:10:04,903 that I've found that can relate to one-on-one. 385 00:10:05,263 --> 00:10:05,353 The 386 00:10:05,383 --> 00:10:06,163 Wayne: first was a green 387 00:10:06,163 --> 00:10:07,993 Chris: one, Proverbs 27 17. 388 00:10:07,993 --> 00:10:08,953 One of my favorites. 389 00:10:09,223 --> 00:10:11,053 As one piece of iron sharpens, another. 390 00:10:11,113 --> 00:10:13,273 So friends keep each other sharp. 391 00:10:13,603 --> 00:10:14,563 Isn't that a great verse. 392 00:10:14,953 --> 00:10:15,823 Wayne: huge verse. 393 00:10:16,303 --> 00:10:20,233 Chris: The next is Proverbs again, Proverbs 11, 14, Where 394 00:10:20,233 --> 00:10:21,943 there is no guidance a people. 395 00:10:21,943 --> 00:10:24,553 falls, But in an abundance of counselors. 396 00:10:24,553 --> 00:10:26,863 there is safety and that's our job. 397 00:10:27,043 --> 00:10:28,123 Employees can fall. 398 00:10:28,123 --> 00:10:30,493 We're there to keep them safe and make sure they know what they're doing. 399 00:10:31,273 --> 00:10:31,603 That's right. 400 00:10:32,443 --> 00:10:33,973 And the last one is first. 401 00:10:34,393 --> 00:10:36,403 Thessaloniki ans five 11. 402 00:10:36,553 --> 00:10:37,333 Wayne: So we encourage 403 00:10:37,363 --> 00:10:41,173 Chris: each other and build each other up just as you're already doing. 404 00:10:41,443 --> 00:10:42,643 And that's one of the big jobs. 405 00:10:42,643 --> 00:10:45,343 of any time of leadership is encouragement. 406 00:10:45,763 --> 00:10:45,943 Yeah. 407 00:10:46,333 --> 00:10:48,373 Because the people that work for you. 408 00:10:49,003 --> 00:10:49,603 There are people. 409 00:10:50,293 --> 00:10:51,253 They're not robots. 410 00:10:51,673 --> 00:10:51,973 You're 411 00:10:52,003 --> 00:10:52,753 Wayne: exactly right. 412 00:10:52,783 --> 00:10:53,323 And they have a 413 00:10:53,323 --> 00:10:55,753 Chris: life outside of work and work at times. 414 00:10:55,753 --> 00:10:58,423 may not be the most important thing in the world to them. 415 00:10:58,573 --> 00:10:58,813 No. 416 00:11:00,013 --> 00:11:03,133 So here's the questions I have on my one-on-one meetings. 417 00:11:03,163 --> 00:11:04,003 I jotted these down. 418 00:11:04,033 --> 00:11:04,663 I try to take 419 00:11:04,663 --> 00:11:05,533 Wayne: half an hour. 420 00:11:05,893 --> 00:11:06,493 Every week. 421 00:11:06,763 --> 00:11:08,173 Chris: For my direct reports. 422 00:11:08,413 --> 00:11:10,003 Occasionally I'll do skip level. 423 00:11:10,003 --> 00:11:10,753 reports for the 424 00:11:10,753 --> 00:11:11,653 Wayne: people that report 425 00:11:11,653 --> 00:11:12,733 Chris: to some of my reports, 426 00:11:12,793 --> 00:11:13,153 Wayne: but that's 427 00:11:13,303 --> 00:11:14,593 Chris: a regularly scheduled thing. 428 00:11:15,073 --> 00:11:16,723 But For the first five minutes. 429 00:11:16,813 --> 00:11:18,613 I just try to catch up in their life. 430 00:11:18,943 --> 00:11:21,223 I want to know what's going on with them outside of work. 431 00:11:21,223 --> 00:11:22,303 What are their hobbies? 432 00:11:22,333 --> 00:11:23,293 What are their passions? 433 00:11:23,293 --> 00:11:24,193 What interests them? 434 00:11:24,553 --> 00:11:25,453 It gives me a little bit. 435 00:11:25,453 --> 00:11:28,813 to know A little more about them and see them as a person instead 436 00:11:28,813 --> 00:11:30,313 of just a resource at work. 437 00:11:30,733 --> 00:11:32,053 I'm sure you do the same thing. 438 00:11:32,173 --> 00:11:32,533 Wayne: I do. 439 00:11:34,843 --> 00:11:35,893 Chris: The second is. 440 00:11:35,953 --> 00:11:36,493 kudos. 441 00:11:36,493 --> 00:11:37,543 What are your wins? 442 00:11:37,573 --> 00:11:38,743 Since The last week. 443 00:11:39,163 --> 00:11:40,542 And wins loosely defined. 444 00:11:40,542 --> 00:11:44,322 It could be, I met this objective or this terrible problem. 445 00:11:44,412 --> 00:11:47,172 I found a solution to just tell me something good. 446 00:11:47,232 --> 00:11:48,342 Wayne: You've done since last week. 447 00:11:49,062 --> 00:11:49,212 Chris: Yeah. 448 00:11:49,362 --> 00:11:50,232 Wayne: are you engaged? 449 00:11:50,292 --> 00:11:51,042 Chris: Very good. 450 00:11:51,792 --> 00:11:53,142 The next one's an important one. 451 00:11:53,142 --> 00:11:55,422 What are your top priorities this week? 452 00:11:55,422 --> 00:11:56,652 What are your big rocks? 453 00:11:56,652 --> 00:11:59,862 If you're a fan of Stephen Covey in the seven habits, what things 454 00:11:59,862 --> 00:12:01,722 do you have to do this week? 455 00:12:02,922 --> 00:12:04,152 I asked my guys everyday. 456 00:12:04,842 --> 00:12:05,142 Very 457 00:12:05,202 --> 00:12:05,562 Wayne: good. 458 00:12:06,132 --> 00:12:06,312 Are you 459 00:12:06,312 --> 00:12:07,542 Chris: a fan of the seven habits? 460 00:12:07,542 --> 00:12:09,072 of from Steven Kovi? 461 00:12:09,702 --> 00:12:10,422 I don't have a lot of. 462 00:12:10,482 --> 00:12:11,832 Wayne: them, but I really like. 463 00:12:13,362 --> 00:12:13,962 Chris: There we go. 464 00:12:16,392 --> 00:12:17,052 So the next. 465 00:12:17,082 --> 00:12:19,152 I got and I've got 10, this was number four. 466 00:12:19,422 --> 00:12:22,602 What are your longterm goals and how can I help you achieve. 467 00:12:22,602 --> 00:12:22,752 them? 468 00:12:22,752 --> 00:12:24,282 And We discussed that before. 469 00:12:24,282 --> 00:12:26,022 when someone wanted to be on a different team. 470 00:12:26,382 --> 00:12:27,312 And to be honest, 471 00:12:27,822 --> 00:12:28,992 even though they're doing a great job. 472 00:12:29,022 --> 00:12:31,062 If they're not happy, I would rather have them happy. 473 00:12:31,062 --> 00:12:33,252 And I want someone on my team who wants to be there. 474 00:12:33,852 --> 00:12:34,542 Exactly. 475 00:12:35,502 --> 00:12:37,992 Here's an interesting one and this applies. 476 00:12:39,102 --> 00:12:41,442 I guess I can apply to any size organization, but 477 00:12:41,442 --> 00:12:43,632 specifically large organizations. 478 00:12:44,082 --> 00:12:45,702 Do You have any questions for me? 479 00:12:45,822 --> 00:12:47,382 Or have you heard any rumors? 480 00:12:47,412 --> 00:12:48,762 you would like to discuss. 481 00:12:50,172 --> 00:12:50,562 Wayne: Okay. 482 00:12:51,162 --> 00:12:52,932 Chris: I am completely open and upfront. 483 00:12:52,962 --> 00:12:54,252 And if I can't tell them an. 484 00:12:54,282 --> 00:12:56,742 answer, I'll say, I can't tell you that. 485 00:12:57,162 --> 00:12:57,432 Wayne: And that's 486 00:12:57,432 --> 00:12:58,032 Chris: rare. 487 00:12:58,272 --> 00:13:01,482 But usually I'll say, this is exactly what I know. 488 00:13:01,482 --> 00:13:06,102 And once they hear it from me or from any authority, figure that it does a better 489 00:13:06,102 --> 00:13:07,812 job and it cuts down on the rumors. 490 00:13:09,042 --> 00:13:09,702 Wayne: Which is big. 491 00:13:09,942 --> 00:13:10,392 Yes. 492 00:13:10,842 --> 00:13:11,742 Rumors fly. 493 00:13:11,952 --> 00:13:12,852 Or They really do. 494 00:13:13,932 --> 00:13:15,432 Number six and number seven. 495 00:13:15,852 --> 00:13:16,692 Chris: go hand in hand. 496 00:13:16,722 --> 00:13:18,072 Wayne: Number six is what are the 497 00:13:18,072 --> 00:13:19,542 Chris: statuses of your last 498 00:13:19,542 --> 00:13:20,172 Wayne: action items? 499 00:13:20,832 --> 00:13:21,972 Chris: And number seven is what are your 500 00:13:22,032 --> 00:13:22,602 Wayne: action items. 501 00:13:22,632 --> 00:13:22,722 This. 502 00:13:23,502 --> 00:13:25,152 And that's where I suggest they make out. 503 00:13:25,212 --> 00:13:26,502 If they have a pie chart. 504 00:13:26,892 --> 00:13:27,432 That looks like. 505 00:13:27,552 --> 00:13:28,752 Chris: their time would be spent. 506 00:13:28,752 --> 00:13:30,102 So they've got a week to do that. 507 00:13:30,162 --> 00:13:32,562 And the next week we'll start working on how to get you there. 508 00:13:34,422 --> 00:13:37,272 Number eight is how are you tracking this past week? 509 00:13:37,602 --> 00:13:40,152 Are there any blockers I can help remove? 510 00:13:40,602 --> 00:13:43,332 Is there anything I can do in other words, to help you get 511 00:13:43,332 --> 00:13:44,292 through what you need to do? 512 00:13:44,292 --> 00:13:46,392 Because sometimes there are, and they don't mention it. 513 00:13:47,832 --> 00:13:50,232 Number nine is the most important one. 514 00:13:50,592 --> 00:13:51,402 That I asked. 515 00:13:51,792 --> 00:13:53,712 and it's on a scale of One to 10. 516 00:13:53,922 --> 00:13:56,862 How happy are you with your work-life balance? 517 00:13:56,982 --> 00:13:59,562 and how can I help you get closer to a 10? 518 00:14:00,282 --> 00:14:02,622 And I'll tell you, I had two of these today and one was 519 00:14:02,622 --> 00:14:04,302 a nine and one was a 9.9. 520 00:14:04,302 --> 00:14:05,652 So I'm very happy with that. 521 00:14:05,664 --> 00:14:06,643 Clearly we still got a 522 00:14:06,643 --> 00:14:07,363 Wayne: a little bit to go. 523 00:14:08,323 --> 00:14:08,593 Chris: What are the 524 00:14:08,593 --> 00:14:09,853 Wayne: things you do to help your people? 525 00:14:09,943 --> 00:14:11,053 with our work-life balance? 526 00:14:12,373 --> 00:14:14,483 Just asking them about their life. 527 00:14:14,499 --> 00:14:14,799 Chris: I've got 528 00:14:14,829 --> 00:14:15,369 Wayne: people. 529 00:14:16,479 --> 00:14:18,579 Some of my, in my group have kids. 530 00:14:19,029 --> 00:14:20,469 Some of them are married. 531 00:14:20,592 --> 00:14:20,982 Some of 532 00:14:21,012 --> 00:14:22,422 Chris: We have some medical issues. 533 00:14:23,322 --> 00:14:23,742 Wayne: And 534 00:14:23,742 --> 00:14:24,822 Chris: I tried to make. 535 00:14:26,952 --> 00:14:29,082 Any changes that I can in the department. 536 00:14:29,652 --> 00:14:30,612 Specific to them. 537 00:14:31,152 --> 00:14:31,782 To help them. 538 00:14:32,082 --> 00:14:32,772 And that's awesome. 539 00:14:32,772 --> 00:14:34,032 Wayne: create a team atmosphere 540 00:14:34,362 --> 00:14:36,492 Chris: so that they want to try to help one another. 541 00:14:37,392 --> 00:14:38,982 That's a great answer. 542 00:14:39,012 --> 00:14:39,972 Fantastic. 543 00:14:40,242 --> 00:14:41,952 I need to feel like I need to be writing that down? 544 00:14:41,952 --> 00:14:42,312 So. 545 00:14:42,642 --> 00:14:44,352 I'm going to go back through the transcript of this. 546 00:14:44,352 --> 00:14:45,702 Let me get that information. 547 00:14:45,702 --> 00:14:46,392 That's great. 548 00:14:47,112 --> 00:14:48,402 So now we're up to number 10. 549 00:14:48,432 --> 00:14:50,142 I'm going to build a little drama for this one. 550 00:14:55,272 --> 00:14:57,282 This is the last question I always ask. 551 00:14:57,282 --> 00:15:00,822 And if there is one thing I can do differently to help 552 00:15:00,822 --> 00:15:02,472 you more what would that be 553 00:15:03,162 --> 00:15:07,602 And sometimes I get great answers and Sometimes I don't get any answers at 554 00:15:07,602 --> 00:15:11,562 all And Usually it's something that I've overlooked Or a bad assumption 555 00:15:11,592 --> 00:15:14,952 I've made but this keeps me on track This keeps me honest This shows 556 00:15:14,982 --> 00:15:18,522 me that there's things going on I need to be a little more aware of 557 00:15:18,912 --> 00:15:19,152 Wayne: yeah 558 00:15:20,175 --> 00:15:22,755 Chris: a lot of these conversations that you talked about having on 559 00:15:22,755 --> 00:15:24,464 your one-on-one meetings weekly 560 00:15:26,204 --> 00:15:26,954 Wayne: Where my 561 00:15:27,014 --> 00:15:30,074 Chris: department meets in person I can ask them. 562 00:15:31,342 --> 00:15:31,852 everyday. 563 00:15:32,062 --> 00:15:35,710 Very good And that's an important distinction My team is completely remote 564 00:15:35,718 --> 00:15:39,258 Since COVID And I don't get The only time I get to see face to face is 565 00:15:39,258 --> 00:15:42,708 when We do zoom meetings Other than that We just meet online and we I 566 00:15:42,708 --> 00:15:45,438 hear the voices but I don't see the face And that's a big difference 567 00:15:45,768 --> 00:15:46,228 Wayne: Huge 568 00:15:46,228 --> 00:15:48,630 Chris: Okay That's all for one-on-one meetings Wayne do you 569 00:15:48,630 --> 00:15:49,770 have anything else you want to add 570 00:15:50,400 --> 00:15:51,000 Wayne: I do not 571 00:15:51,210 --> 00:15:54,690 Chris: Visit us on lead 12 twelve.com And remember please 572 00:15:54,690 --> 00:15:56,220 pray for Dave Thanks everyone

According to Gallup, employees who have regular 1:1 meetings with their managers are THREE TIMES more likely to be engaged at work! That’s correct! THREE TIMES more likely to be engaged!

Effective one-on-one meetings offer a variety of benefits to employees, managers and the overall organization.

Benefits of conducting 1:1 meetings with employees

  • Improved Relationships. In the world outside of work, making time for coffee with a friend every weekend improves your relationship because you have time to chat, share stories and learn more about each other. The same benefit occurs when you meet regularly with employees. You get to know them better and set a tone for improved relationships and culture in the workplace.
  • Increased Employee Morale. When staff feel their opinions are heard and matter, morale and engagement is usually higher. And when leaders work to address issues discovered in one-on-ones, morale can increase even more.
  • Feedback for Better Leadership. One-on-ones also provide feedback for leadership so they can continue to improve how they manage their teams.

What makes a good 1:1?

  • A personal check in with the employee. They might want to share about an important life milestone or might be pleased if you ask about their children, spouse or pets.
  • A business-facing check in. You also want to find out how the employee is doing with their work and position. Are they happy with their work, what challenges are they facing and what can you do to help them achieve production success?
  • Comments and suggestions. Offer time for the employee to bring up comments and suggestions related to the business, even if they aren’t directly related to the person’s own position and goals. They might have seen a process that makes no sense or could be done quicker, and making space for employees at all levels to propose ideas and solutions gives you more information to work with.
  • The employee’s future goals. Talk about employee goals, what might be appropriate for them and how they can plan and forge ahead to achieve those goals.
  • How you can best support the employee and the team at large. Provide time for the employee to give you feedback as a leader if desired.

Sample Questions for 1:1 meetings

Position Based

  • What’s your pie chart of what you are working on? What do you want it to be?
  • How do you view yourself in your role?

Career Based

  • If you were having the best work day ever in your ideal role, what would your schedule look like?
  • Where do you get your job satisfaction from?
  • Where have you been most successful in the past?

Long-Term Based

  • What are your long-term goals? What skills do you need to achieve them?
  • What obstacles will you need to overcome to achieve these goals?

1:1 Meeting Tips for Managers

  • Bring a sense of curiosity and openness with you.
  • Have a problem-solving attitude — but keep it collaborative. Share suggestions and create a space where people can find solutions together.
  • Ask questions instead of telling people what to do.
  • Listen more than you talk.
  • Leave any blaming attitude out the door (better yet, get rid of that altogether).

1:1 Bad Practices

  • Using 1:1 meetings as status update meetings
  • Skipping meetings
  • Infrequent meetings
  • Lacking clarity

Biblical Verses to Remember in 1:1 Meetings

Proverbs 27:17 As one piece of iron sharpens another, so friends keep each other sharp.

Proverbs 11:14 Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.

1 Thessalonians 5:11 So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.

Chris’ Example 1:1 Agenda

  1. First 5 minutes – Life catch up
  2. What are your wins since last week?
  3. What are your top priorities this week?
  4. What are your long term goals and how can I help you achieve them?
  5. Are there questions or rumors you would like to discuss?
  6. What is the status of your last action items?
  7. What are your action Items this week?
  8. How are your tracking this past week? Any blockers I can help remove?
  9. One a scale of 1 – 10, how happy are you with your work-life balance? How can we get closer to 10?
  10. If there is one thing I could do differently to help you more, what would it be?


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